SipTogether ist die App für neue Bekanntschaften und spontane Treffen mit neuen Leuten – zum Vortrinken für die nächste Party, einer Runde Joggen oder den Abend einfach zusammen ausklingen lassen.” — SipTogether

tr: "SipTogether is the app for new acquaintances and spontaneous meetings with new people - for drinks before the next party, for a round of jogging or just to end the evening together."


Refresh the app and give it a consistent look. Tweak flows for easier usability and accessibility.

p.s.-1 What you may find in this case study, are ideas that worked or didn't.

p.s.-2 Down below are some screenshots of the application before it was refreshed.


Jan Hecker - Project Owner (Client)

Alexandru Matei - UX Designer

Digitalya OPS

My role

Application presentation


Map shows active users and events nearby.

Events list

Offers the creation of events or available events near you.


Implemented gamification inclined towards building credibility for the users and also contributes to social interaction. This section includes also a game, available only for the Android version (at the current state of the project).


Serves as messaging platform between users or event groups.

My account

Account management and other features.

The Changes

Navigation Bar 

Two approaches were made in this area.

We tried to bring the events list upfront at a finger’s swipe. The navigation bar buttons have been spread across the screen on the bottom right side for easy thumb access.

The five sections of the app: account, events, map(home), SipScan, and messages were redistributed and resulted in using only four sections (buttons) on the screen. This minimized the number of sections the users had to navigate through and gave the list of events the spotlight.

The longest flow that the user needed to take forward or back was limited to 3 screens.

The design was intuitive and worked, but the fear that the new design is different from the market could cause trouble, we backed down to the old navigation bar that most apps use, but with a visual tweak.

Navigation bar

Navigation bar-less

Events list

The events list, one of the core app features, was given a fresh look, and the information was grouped for easier access to information.

A feature that was introduced was the option to set the events as private, or to put the participants list to display only the number of attendants but not show their names. With this new option, the owner of the event is able to decline or accept an attendee to the meeting.


SipScanner is a feature that is added to increase users' credibility and contributes to social interaction through the SipScore. This section includes also a game, available only for the Android version (at the current state of the project).

Quickview cards

Quickview cards for the users were redesigned. This allows peers to fast check through people’s info and jump to easier connections, send cheers or direct messages.


Onboarding was updated as well. The steps necessary to complete the registration were reduced from 6 to 3. Information is better grouped, and a more helpful feature heads-up was added to the board. The "Hide my presence" feature, and "Location anonymizer" were given more explanation before jumping into the app.

Disclaimer: The images and features depicted in this case study are subject to change based on the needs of the client. Features presented here might appear later in the product development or not at all. This case study is a representation of the work done by the joint parties and is showing off the quality of work resulting from the collaboration between the parties.